The events of 2020 caused a fundamental reset in human behaviour, some for the good and some is a complete change.
We know a lot of these shifts in consumer purchases and attitudes is across the food and drink sector. This industry has new exciting opportunities arising for the next 12 months.
So we’ve done the hard work for you and featured a few industry drivers along with some ideas to steer your next campaign based on the current industry predictions.
Feeding the Mind
The pandemic has made consumers recognise that wellbeing is a vital concern. This driver observes that the already rising attention on mental and emotional health has been multiplied by the pandemic and its impacts. As the singular focus of avoiding COVID-19 fades, people will make more serious commitments to reduce the health risks associated with unhealthy eating.
We can tell our audience are already health-concious, as every month we reach 16.8m who agree they ‘really look after their health’; consumers are looking for more products and services that offer mental and emotional health benefits. Innovative food and drink management will be accepted solutions for mental-emotional wellbeing. New formulations help realise the connection between mental and emotional health and diet, which will lead to new interest in psychology-based approaches to healthy eating.
Perhaps post on your social media highlighting the health benefits your meals offer. Or even a content marketing campaign around the social and mental benefits of having a meal with friends at your local pub for when restrictions lift.
Creative Convenience
As markets reopen from COVID-19 restrictions, the pace of life will get busier, requiring more convenience options. Consumers will expect time-saving, hygienic and adventurous convenience food, drink and foodservice.
In the next few years, brands will also be challenged to respond to new definitions of quality. When it comes to value, pandemic-shocked consumers are seeking a return to what is essential, inexpensive and ethical, think ‘value with values’.
Many people will continue to work, relax and entertain at home in the next 12 months. So your business could shake up at-home routines with interesting, hygienic takeaways which are budget-friendly and have adventurous flavours. It’s worth noting a range of solutions will be needed to help offset an indulgence with health while fulfilling the duelling needs of time-savings and creativity.
This will help customers remember your business when restrictions ease for when they can partake in regular out-of-home leisure activities such as going out for a meal, but also sustaining the need for stay-at-home options. Digital Display advertising is a great way to shout about your new flavours and takeaway discount deals.

It’s no surprise that 2020 has provided consumers’ understandings of the community have been strengthened by COVID-19.
United by Food
Recognising the importance of connection and support, consumers will organise in like-minded communities for socialisation and camaraderie.
Food, drink and foodservice businesses can take advantage of their positions as common interests and passions, to which consumers can tie their identities. Businesses will then be able to actively bring individuals together into online communities or organize in-person gatherings.
Highlighting any way you’ve ‘given back’ to the community or fuelling future community events is a great idea for 2021. ‘Food clubs’ and charitable events are a popular way of expanding your brand, and using content marketing can really highlight you giving back to the community or how your business acted as a facilitator to bring people closer together through food and drink.
Did you know we reach 19 million people per month who enjoy splashing out on a meal?
How about uniting some of these people in your target location and organising a ‘taste club lock-in’ when restrictions lift or recruit a few of your brand advocates as ‘taste testers’ through content marketing or pay per click advertising?
Now that’s food for thought… three food and drink industry drivers for 2021, It’s important for your business to keep up with the trends to make necessary changes to your campaigns. It’s time to get creative, get in contact with us and we can help get your marketing in full flavour.
Key Takeaways
- Create campaigns around your food and drink business which is designed to heighten emotional reactions to stress relief activities and health benefits.
- More than ever consumers budgets will be tighter, so looking for more creative ways to ensure your prices and deals are noticed whether it’s at out or out of the home.
- Design products and retail solutions to be safe and hygienic. Launch appropriately priced products with ethical or environmental claims, or ‘value with values’ products, ensuring your business offerings are a good all-rounder.
- Connect individuals around their passions and organise forums for meaningful interpersonal interactions. Highlighting ways you’ve ‘given back’ to the community or acting as a facilitator for future community events.