Reach Solutions
Nigel Black
05 March 2020
3 min. to read

Why do animals get such good engagement on Social Media?

It’s been a long day at work, the bus is crowded but you finally find a seat. You open your phone, go onto Instagram and pop… up comes a photo of the most adorable dog you’ve ever seen. Without even thinking, you double tap and send it to your friend.

This is just one example of why animals get great engagement! Because, let’s face it, who doesn’t love something fluffy with four legs after a stressful day.

Most people even have profiles for their beloved pets. You might have heard of Marnie the Dog or even Grumpy Cat. These animals have become Social Influencers in their own right and get paid to promote certain brands.

In the same way, you can use this cuteness to engage people with your business. Maybe you have a cute office dog or a cat at home? Purrfect – post a photo of them online!

Employee’s pet of the month could work well for your company. Or if you visit a client’s house and they have a fur-friend, quickly ask them if you can post a pic. Not only does this make you relatable, but it keeps people coming back for more.

Any chance you get to use an animal, grab it with both paws. A great time to do this is Easter. With springtime comes cute little ducklings and bunnies to make your followers go ‘awwww!’

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