Reach Solutions
Nigel Black
15 February 2023
4 min. to read

Is your business sending out the right signals to potential employees?

Times are changing for companies. Gone are the days when hundreds of job seekers applied for one job to live out their career days. Instead, the roles are reversed. Companies are now competing for the best candidates, not only to attract them into roles but to retain them for as long as possible.

It is therefore important to make sure your company stands out as an employer and to build your team with the most qualified professionals.

Candidates today want to know about the growth potential of their job roles, rather than just their requirements and responsibilities. They essentially want to choose a job with a career ladder to climb, rather than something to simply make ends meet. The best candidates are top performers who are extremely selective when it comes to job opportunities.

Let’s take a look at five key things candidates want to see in your company in 2023.

01 | Flexibility

Since the pandemic candidates’ priorities are more holistic and they are looking for companies that offer a good life/work balance. It’s therefore clear that flexibility is something companies need to offer to attract talented candidates, whether it’s in terms of hours, location, or contract type – this is of utmost importance to candidates, despite the cost of living crisis.

02 | Culture

Corporate culture is a key consideration these days, with companies such as Google setting the standard through their fun HQs and laid-back creative atmosphere, but it doesn’t stop there. Your company’s culture does not have to be quite as fun in everyday activities, however, collaboration, honesty, and transparent leadership are vital factors to be addressed to demonstrate company culture.

Another factor that ties in with the flexibility discussed above is the company culture of the family. For example, is work/life balance valued? High performers usually have busy personal lives, so finding a middle ground is of utmost importance.


How to improve your recruitment strategy in 2023

Looking for further advice on how to attract more applicants? Our free downloadable guide reveals everything you need to know, including:

  • Approaching recruitment differently
  • How to attract candidates using content marketing
  • Increase the visibility of your job postings
  • How to make your campaign inclusive
  • Plus loads more

Written by the experts at Reach, this guide will reveal the approaches you need to take to inspire and attract applicants in 2023.

03 | Growth

Rising executives want to know that the company they are working for is progressing for a sense of job security. High-quality candidates not only search for the best companies but they also look for the bigger picture and want to be aligned with a desirable, successful place to work. In simple terms, they will not further themselves in a company that is not growing; job progression will be limited in a failing company. To combat this as a company you could provide on your website a portfolio of growth over the previous years, and future growth potential.

04 | Reviews

In addition to checking out the company’s growth online, candidates will also look at sites like Glassdoor to get an idea of a company’s reviews and experience of people who work there or have done previously. In other words, potential candidates will want to see how the company is structured, and how open they are to employee dialogue. Are there clear goals set in place? What type of leadership is used? It is important for candidates to resonate with the style of leadership, otherwise they may be more inclined to accept a job offer from a competitor.

05 | Values

Most high performers in 2023 are looking to make a difference. They want to leave a positive impact on their working environment and can only do this with a business that has strong morals that align with their own. Your business can support this through making sure it an inclusive workplace, and that it has model values and aims. If your business has strong values, it will allow new employees to measure against this and be the best version of themselves.

In summary, it is important to make sure that the information above is put together for potential employees to access quickly. We strongly recommend you look through existing policies and amend them to 2023’s standards to ensure your company stands out as the perfect place to work.
We can help if recruitment is on your 2023 to-do list. Our multi-platform recruitment solutions will amplify the reach of your job ads and attract the right people.

To speak to our recruitment team about your requirements click here to get in touch.
Sources: LinkedIn 2023, UKrecruiter 2023.

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