Improve your on-site SEO by avoiding these common errors.
Your website might not be at the top of your priorities for 2023, we get it. Which is why we’re on hand to help.
A good website can act as an extra salesperson, promoting your business and services 24/7. Think of your website as your shop window online. Visitors will likely go elsewhere if it doesn’t give a good first impression or looks unprofessional.
If you’re not sure how good your website is or are worried it’s not reflecting your high standards of professionalism and customer care, we can help. We’ve compiled a list of 5 common mistakes businesses make with their website to help you avoid repeating them.
01. Not enough content
Not having loads of content on your site is not necessarily negative. Content on your site should be relevant to your business so you don’t want content on there for the sake of it. But (there’s always a but), if people come to your site looking for specific information and you fail to provide it then they’ll back out and go elsewhere. They may also assume that your site is unfinished, damaging your business’s confidence. All website builds should begin with a plan where you decide all the details that absolutely have to be included. Get that right first and then embellish the information where necessary.
02. Too much content
The only thing worse than not having enough content is having too much. Publishing page after page of content nobody will ever read could mean visitors to the site miss your key messages. It’s also a lot of work to keep it updated and current. As above, you should decide on the essentials your website needs, focusing on driving traffic and increasing sales/orders. Then review and question the purpose of every page; if it doesn’t serve a purpose, get rid of it.
03. No clear call to action
Once a visitor lands on your site and decides your business could be just what they need, you need to make it easy for them to get in touch, or make a sale if it’s an eCommerce site. Don’t hide your enquiry form or contact details on some page that takes several clicks to get to. Even the keenest customer will give up if they can’t quickly move things forward. On this point, make sure enquires are being picked up and not sitting in some random mailbox somewhere, and of course ensure that your contact details are correct and up-to-date. Email bounce-backs and dead phone lines are not brilliant for business.